Apostille Services in India

Apostille Services

La Classe Translation offers cost-effective document Apostille Services in India with quick turnaround times. Apostille attestation is a simplified form of international documentation recognized by the Hague Convention countries to verify the authenticity of personal, educational, or commercial documents. This attestation can only be obtained for documents originating in a country part of the Apostille convention and needed in another country also party to the convention. Essentially, Apostille attestation is accepted in 112 countries, with a strong recognition in most Western nations. India is part of the Apostille convention and has authorized specific bodies for both Attestation and Apostille attestation services.

We handle Apostille Attestation for all the following Educational Certificates:

  • Degree & Diploma Certificate
  • Nursing Certificate
  • SSLC & HSC Certificate
  • Engineering, Pharmacy & Dentist Certificate
  • Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Certificate
  • Medical, Experience/Employment, Transfer, Salary Certificate

Additional Apostille Services In India

An Apostille acts as a verification provided by an official authority within a country. When a document is Apostilled, it signifies its legitimacy and validity for use in the designated country. Each country has its own type of Apostille. The Hague Nation Convention lists countries where Apostille holds the highest level of legalization. The Ministry of External Affairs issues a special ‘sticker’ for authenticating documents, signifying their legality. This sticker is affixed to the back of the original document to confirm its authenticity. Apostille is recognized in 113 member countries of the Hague Apostille Convention.

The certification process involves obtaining a square-shaped stamp generated by a computer and attached by the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India. This stamp bears a unique identification number that any Hague Convention member country can verify online for authenticity. Education certificates are often in regional languages and require Apostille for international recognition. Some instances that require Education Certification Apostille include work Permit Visas, dependent Visa applications, children’s schooling abroad, and Student Visa application processes.

Apostille Services

To Apostille an Education certificate, the two common methods are given as follows:

State authentication + MEA Apostille :- Before applying for Apostille, it is essential to check if your destination country is part of the Hague Convention list. If not, state authentication is mandatory. Additionally, specific states like Punjab, Haryana, and Goa require state authentication regardless of the destination country’s status. An Apostille Marriage Certificate is crucial when sponsoring a spouse’s visa to verify the relationship’s authenticity. The Ministry of External Affairs handles Apostille attestation for Birth certificates and other personal documents across India. An Apostille marriage certificate validates the legality of your marriage abroad, which is proof that your relationship is genuine to the relevant government official. 

SDM authentication + MEA Apostille :- SDM stands for Sub Divisional Magistrate who authenticates an individual’s documents by attesting through an official stamp and signature. The only authority in India for apostille-stamped certificates of Indian origins is the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA). But one cannot apply for the Apostille attestation immediately. A few organizations that the Ministry has contracted with are able to submit documents on the applicant’s behalf. Applicants cannot pick up an apostille by going directly to the MEA branch. The Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, apostille birth certificates and all other Indian personal documents.

To make the process easier for Indian people, the MEA has established Branch Secretariats/RPOs in a number of Indian cities, including Bengaluru, Delhi, Raipur, Bhopal, Kochi, Mumbai, Trivandrum, Panaji, Delhi, Kolkata, Hyderabad, and Delhi. Additionally, look for MEA outsourced agencies in your area to submit and pick up the apostille documentation. Within one to two business days, the Ministry of External Affairs apostilles documents; however, the length of time required to complete the process varies depending on the nature of the document and the state government departments involved. It can take three to five or more business days because a document must be authenticated by multiple government entities.

All photocopies will be refused; the Ministry only attests to the original copy of a document. Any fake document will be seized by the MEA, and the offending party will face severe consequences. Send the original copy of the document to any Branch Secretariat or RPO of the MEA for an apostille, along with a copy of your passport. Visit our subsidiary for information on legalization and documentation. La Classe Translation provides a multi-purpose utility for document translation and Apostille services. We are able to offer quick, dependable, and accurate translations as well as Apostille services to people and companies all around the world thanks to the assistance of our skilled translators and legal experts. We provide precise accuracy, safe data processing, accelerated procedures, competitive pricing, and complete secrecy.

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Apostille Services

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